Fees & Insurance

I like to be transparent in my pricing, so that you know exactly what you will be getting into when we start to work together. Please make sure that the pricing listed works within your budget before reaching out. 

If you are using insurance to pay for your services, you will only owe what you and your insurance have agreed to pay. That may include copays or deductibles. 

If you are not using insurance, my fees are as follows:

  • Intake: $200 per session

  • Individual Therapy: $175 per session

  • Couples Therapy: $185 per session

  • 1-day EMDR intensive: $900*

  • 2–day EMDR intensive package: $1600*

  • 4-day EMDR intensive package: $3000*

* Payment plans available.

As a reminder, insurance will not cover intensive work. If you want to utilize EMDR, I highly recommend going out of network so that strict time limits outlined by insurance do not get in the way of processing your trauma. Please feel free to ask more questions, and we can determine what works best for you during our consultation call and intake session.  

Invest in your best self.

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Because change is possible.

Let’s get started.